Craig Pindell, Fine Art Photographer

All work copyright Craig Pindell, 2025



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Human Impact

      Nearly every place we go, there is evidence that humans have been there before us.  Sometimes there are small signs such as a fire ring, or a barely visible trail.  Other times it is massive - Power Plants, Refineries, Mines or Dams.  We humans have always left our mark.  Sometimes the marks are beautiful, other times they are offensive.  I suppose the viewer is the one to choose which it is for them.  I personally find there is beauty in nearly everything I photograph, or I don't make an image.  I don't know what I would ever do with a stack of photos of ugly things.





810190 - The Castle, Guernsey State Park, Wyoming 






810187 - This is what dams will look like when people are extinct.




810195 - Headgate and Dam Roadway, Guernsey, Wyoming







810175 - Alley Mural, Cheyenne, Wyoming 






1908 - Studebaker Garage, New Raymer, Colorado 






1909 - Abandoned Gas Station, New Raymer, Colorado 






1903 - White Truck, Briggsdale, Colorado 





1899 - Heritage House, Briggsdale, Colorado 





810162 - Building Mural, Cheyenne, Wyoming






810141 - Controls, Scrapped Convair 580






1878 - Afternoon in God's Country, Utah





1744 - Heart in the Sand, Bandon Beach, Oregon





1690 - Lighthouse Stairs, Cape Blanco Lighthouse, Oregon





810156 - Berea Evangelical Church, Nebraska






810049 - Memories in the Barn at Pidgeon's Roost







810148 - Bergdorf Hot Springs, Idaho





810147 - Bergdorf Hot Springs, Idaho





810120 - Washington, Kentucky





1680 - Maysville, Kentucky





810118 - Inside the Covered Bridge, Kentucky





1655 - Outlet Piping





1654 - Stack Piping





1650 - Stairs in the Storage Barn






810108 - Blacksmith Shop





1605 - Cow Paths and Bluffs, Utah






1555 - Stairway by Sweet Creek, Oregon






810069 - Best Out West Flour Granary, Northern Wyoming





1529 - Processing Machinery






1523 - Storage Tank Stairway






1466 - Hairpin Supports





1461 - Refining Unit





1458 - Processing Tower





1443 - Storage Pile






810078 - Big Blower






810059b - Abandoned Switchgear





810059 - Inside The Storage Silo





810057 - Old Steam Turbine





810056 - Lube Oil Console





810004 - Grain Elevator, Chugwater, Wyoming





1385 - Water Well in the Storm, Utah





1345 - White Chair and Bottle, Bodie, California





1341P - Bodie, California





1253 - The Moving Wall, a traveling version of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington DC. This image was made in Lions Park, Cheyenne, Wyoming





1217 - Post Office and Livery,  Nevada City, Montana





1215 - Stairway, Bannack State Park, Montana





1212 - Barber Chair, Bannack State Park, Montana





1206 - White Door and Wood Grain  Bannack State Park, Montana





810038 - Cheyenne, Wyoming Depot Plaza





810002 - Angel and photo in Cemetery, Cheyenne, Wyoming