Craig Pindell, Fine Art Photographer
All work copyright Craig Pindell, 2025
Test Print Wall
Images currently on the test print wall.
When I have created an image that I think will be worth printing and sharing, I begin the process by making a test print, mounting it on scrap mat board or foam core, slipping it in a frame and hanging it on my test print wall. This is a wall in a sitting room of our home that is reserved just for this purpose. At any given time there is usually multiple prints hanging for evaluation. There has been as many a 6 prints, but never less than one print. Sizes vary according to the size I plan to make the final print. If I don't know the size of the final print, I make the first test print 8x10 inches, and frame it in a 14x17 inch frame.
These prints are printed on glossy fiber base paper, because that is my preferred paper for finished prints. The prints are selenium toned, because my finished prints are always selenium toned. The mat board is white, because my finished prints are mounted and matted with white board.
The time the test prints hang on the wall varies. If I see the printing is wrong, they may come down and be reprinted in less than a week. If I am not sure about the print, it may hang as long as several months. During this time I make notes about the changes I will make when I reprint it.
Having this area allows me to view the images under varying light situations, from diffused sunlight to table lamp light at night. Low light levels can really point out a print that is too dark! Spending this time evaluating and getting to know a printed image helps me to make a much better finished product.
I have decided to share what is on the test wall with you so you can compare to finished prints when I share them later. Enjoy.
Currently On The Wall:
The wall has a couple of old photos or now. The image on the left ( Curved Tree at Lake Marie) and on the far right ( Lake MacDonald) were sold many years ago to a great customer, and recently they were about to be discarded as the business was downsizing. I hated to see them go to a landfill, so I brought them home. As I was loading them to come home, I thought I bet I can print these better than this. I will be trying to improve on these in a few weeks, so in the mean time, they will hang out on the Test Print Wall so I can make notes on the changes I see necessary.
Previously On The Wall:
Left image is Three Sisters Star Trails, a 10.5 hour exposure from my Halloween trip to Goblin Valley State Park. It is 16x20 inches printed on Foma
Center two images are from the 2024 9/11 Never Forget project work. they are 8x10 inches printed on Foma
Right image is the Castle at Guernsey Wyoming State Park. It is 16x20 printed on Foma
Upper Left is Memories In The Barn - 8x10 inch contact print on Ilford MG
Lower Left is Spillway Waterfall from Guernsey State Park, Wyoming. 8x10 inches on Ilford MG
Center is Libby Lake, Snowy Range Wyoming. First Image with the Bomm Camera. 16x20 inches on Ilford MG
Upper Right is Laramie Peak from Inside the Castle, Guernsey State Park Wyoming. 8x10 inches on Ilford MG
Lower Right is Stuck Log in Buckskin Gulch (Testing unsharp masking) 8x10 inches on Foma