Craig Pindell

Fine Art Photography 

FP4+ Party




In 2016, the #BelieveInFilm community on Twitter joined in a friendly competition organized by @Emulsive to create images on Ilford FP4+ Film.  Rules were simple - all images were to be made during the first week of the month, then posted during the third week of the month. A panel of judges would then choose a short list of the best images of the week, and then viewers would vote on the best image.  It turned out that choosing would not be as simple as one would have thought.  There are terrific photographers in the community and the images were fantastic.

Below are some of the images I made for the FP4+ Parties I was fortunate to be part of.

I hope you enjoy!





Dentry Doorway to Atalaya, Huntington Beach State Park

Hasselblad 500 CM 50mm lens









Atalaya Cellar Door

Huntington Beach State Park South Carolina

Hasselblad 500 CM  50mm lens








Ravenel Bridge Tower

Charleston South Carolina

Hasselblad 500 CM  150mm lens  with orange filter





Moonrise Over The Clock Tower

Georgetown South Carolina

Hasselblad 500 CM  150mm lens







Gargoyle and Gate

Cheyenne Wyoming

Kodak Master View Camera, 240mm lens








Grated Cheese

Cheyenne Wyoming

Mamiya RB67 65mm lens







Huntington Beach

Huntington Beach State Park

South Carolina







Approach, Ravenel Bridge

Charleston South Carolina

Hasselblad 500 CM  50mm lens, orange filter







Atalaya Center Walkway

Huntington Beach State Park

South Carolina

Hasselblad 500 CM  50mm lens








1933 Alfa Romea

Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina

Hasselblad 500 CM 80mm lens





Engine, 1933 Alfa Romeo

Mt. Pleasant South Carolina

Hasselblad 500 CM  80mm lens







3 Light Poles

Charleston South Carolina

Hasselblad 500 CM  150mm lens, orange filter








Clock and Weathervane

Georgetown South Carolina

Hasselblad 500 CM  80mm lens









Banana Bread and Butter

Cheyenne Wyoming

Mamiya RB67  127mm lens









Firebirds Rule

Mount Pleasant South Carolina

Hasselblad 500CM  80mm lens  orange filter







Kettles On The Boil

Cheyenne Wyoming

Mamiya RB67  127mm lens







Front Street and Clock Tower

Georgetown South Carolina

Hasselblad 500CM  80mm lens with orange filter







Building and Clouds

Andrews South Carolina

Hasselblad 500CM
80mm lens with orange filter









Georgetown Marina at Night

Georgetown South Carolina

Hasselblad 500CM
80mm lens










Heaps of Love

Cheyenne Wyoming

Mamiya RB67

127mm lens









Atalaya Kitchen

Huntington Beach State Park

South Carolina

Hasselblad 500CM  50mm lens






New Mexico Chiles

Cheyenne Wyoming

Mamiya RB67

127mm lens









Nightime Staircase

Georgetown South Carolina

Hasselblad 500CM 80mm lens






Sailboat and Cloudy Sky

Georgetown South Carolina

Hasselblad 500CM  80mm lens








Shiny Leaf

Charleston South Carolina

Hasselblad 500CM  150mm lens and orange filter






Turn To Jesus

Andrews South Carolina

Hasselblad 500CM  50mm lens with orange filter








Window and Door Grating


Huntington Beach State Park

South Carolina

Hasselblad 500CM  80mm lens






Atalaya Christmas Tree

Huntington Beach State Park

South Carolina

Hasselblad 500CM 80mm lens




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Designed by: Craig Pindell